Are you busy & burdened? Come.

Working.  Carrying burdens.  Struggling to keep up, to carry on.  Does it sound like a description of your life?  Does it sound like a description of a blessed life? We live in a busy world.  Our technology is a blessing and a curse.  The more we can get done, the more we feel we mustContinue reading “Are you busy & burdened? Come.”

Focused on Purpose

Whether we are riding a horse, driving a car or trying to get through the school year, the same truth applies: where your eyes are sets the course of your path. If we spend a lot of time looking at what we ‘can’t do’ or the things that we would rather do or all theContinue reading “Focused on Purpose”


“Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee.”  Proverbs 4:25 Do you ever struggle to ‘stay the course’ when you have begun a project?  I do!  Our bulldog, Barnabas fulfilled his role as “Encourager” this week as he set his mind to a task.  After receiving a new ‘toy’ –Continue reading “Determined!”

You matter

Here are some verse vitamins for every day that reminds you WHO YOU ARE in CHRIST! You are accepted in Christ. You are secure in Christ. You are significant in Christ. Ephesians 1:5 Romans 8:28-39 John 15:16 1 Corinthians 12:27 Philippians 1:6 Acts 1:8 John 1:12 2 Timothy 1:7 2 Corinthians 6:1 Colossians 1:14 1Continue reading “You matter”