Winning in Life!

Ever fight a war with an enemy caused by an enemy you cannot see?  We all have—and do.  My current battle is a minor but aggravating one:  chigger bites.  Creatures so tiny, the head of a pin can hold two or three but their poison so vile it literally dissolves skin tissue.  At first, theyContinue reading “Winning in Life!”

Danger & Devastation: Fire Insurance

We buy fire insurance with the hope that we never need it.  In the natural realm, it works reasonably well.  Even if the policy is not that good, fire insurance works well to gives us peace of mind and even a poor policy will mitigate the devastation if a fire happens.  So, a fire insurance policyContinue reading “Danger & Devastation: Fire Insurance”

Turning Life’s Battles into Victories

Battles in life are a sure thing.  Those battles are our individual, unique opportunities to enjoy the victory of Christ personally.  Each of us has victories to give back to Jesus that only we can give to Him! Isn’t it exciting to think of giving Jesus Christ a special gift?!  Unveiling God in the detailsContinue reading “Turning Life’s Battles into Victories”

Glory Glimpse: Banner leading to victory

Sometimes stating the obvious really does help. We see what we look at. If we spend our time looking at the things we stress over or hate–that is all we see!  That does not lead to victorious living.  Look to Jesus! After the Israelites defeated the Amalekites, Moses built an altar to Jehovah Nissi.  The Lord,Continue reading “Glory Glimpse: Banner leading to victory”

Taking Responsibility

Deposits are made into our lives moment by moment.  What we do with those deposits is our decision…our responsibility.  Every aspect of life has the potential to produce life and blessing.  It also has equal opportunity to produce death and curses. God assigned humanity the job of caretaker of creation–and that job remains.  We are toContinue reading “Taking Responsibility”

Blessing the Battlefield

“But you are holy, O you that inhabit the praises of Israel.”  Psalm 22:3 It is often said that in this life, one is either in a battle, just coming out of one or soon to be in one.  Battles are part of life.  We have a powerful weapon for victory that is often forgotten.  Praise. Continue reading “Blessing the Battlefield”